Trojan Fever: Trending Updates

Trending Updates

People laughing uncontrollably on the train

Witnesses recorded the laugh of Huehuecoyoti


  1. It's great that you have a Witness tab; it makes the story more relatable. But I think it would have been even more relatable and richer if you had used more USC-related materials that proved witnessed were from USC, like you did with the USC Confessions page.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love the idea behind this tab! However, I think the name is a little misleading, since theres only two or three actual "witness" objects on here, at least in terms of witnessing anything.. I think it would have been better and more thorough if you maybe changed the name to something like "trending updates," which is kind of what the posts seemed like to me, or just incorporated a few more "witness" items.



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