Trojan Fever: Official Statement from USC President C. L. Max Nikias

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Official Statement from USC President C. L. Max Nikias

C. L. Max Nikias
Statement by C. L. Max Nikias, President, University of Southern California, on the Trojan Fever outbreak and the impact on student and campus life


I understand that now is a troubling time for the University. There is confusion and panic, misunderstanding and fear. There are questions, and even more concerns.

My desire for you, dear students, now more than ever, is to embrace your digital literacy. As we can see from this horrible epidemic, as the future actors in civil society you must recognize that the media will play an increasing role in how we perceive the world we live in. I urge you to question the verity of news sources. To question the culture of fear. To act with responsibility, to base these actions on informed perspectives.

You must not forget in times of trial and tribulation that we are, and always will be, the Trojan Family. We will fight on. Do not forget, either, the qualities that make you a Trojan; the characteristics that we as a University saw in you. Each and every individual at the University of Southern California has been hand-selected, has been chosen. You have been chosen because we believe that you can succeed in this challenging environment we find ourselves in today.

Be faithful. To those surrounding you, to those trying to help you. Trust. Trust in yourself, your professors, and trust in the University of Southern California.

Be scholarly. Now, more than ever, it is student-led research, projects, and initiatives that have the greatest impact on our community. Become involved. Provide a fresh stance on the issue.

Be skillful. At this University, you all thrive in your own niches. Each player is important. Use your talents to not only advance your cause but the cause of the Trojan spirit. It is in times like these when problem solving is three-dimensional and complex. The task does not rest solely on scientists, but journalists, businessmen and women, lawyers, musicians.

Be courageous. This is a time of strife for all of us. Do not give in to fear, panic, confusion. Continue to Fight On.

Finally, be ambitious. Challenges are a double-edged sword. In the face of danger, they offer an unparalleled opportunity for personal, professional, and societal growth. Seize this occasion.

I trust that you will all, as you always have, carry on with these ideals in mind and keep the Trojan spirit close to your heart. As a community, I have no doubt that we will tackle this problem head-on with remarkable success.

September 13, 2013


  1. I love this element. It is written just like the emails we receive, and makes if feel like this is actually happening on campus. Great job!

  2. This element was very well researched and it greatly enhanced the overall story. This post along with the DPS reports makes the story seem very realistic. Even though the Trojan Fever is a fictional sickness, the posts make it seem as if it really could exist. This post makes the story very convincing!



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